Aurora Local APWU. Reports. Retirees. Workers Rights. External Links. Our Local.


Retail personnel at Post Offices whose official assignment at a retail counter is for a minimum of 4 hours daily for 5 days a week on a continuing basis, or for not less than 30 hours a week are required to wear the prescribed uniform while performing their duties.


Employees who do no qualify for a uniform allowance under the criteria described above must wear the appropriate uniform for the position if it is provided to them outside of the uniform allowance program.


If any clerk is being forced by management to purchase clothing to be worn at the window with personal funds—please notify your steward and file a grievance to be reimbursed for your time and purchase! Make sure you save your receipt to document your purchase.



All window clerks must receive adequate training before taking their test. This applies to the classroom and on-the-job. If you are not trained properly, you should contact your steward immediately. Don’t wait until after the training to file a grievance.


OJI’s must be certified as retail coaches. They must remain with the trainee throughout the entire process. Clerks left alone during training are not adequately trained.


At the end of a student’s on-the-job training, student may be asked to sign that they have been  properly trained. If the student is not satisfied with the training, DO NOT SIGN the form. Ask to see a steward.


Retail Rights

& Wrongs II

Do Not Take Shortcuts

Shortcuts result in losses of money and JOBS!

Carry out each task on the window as you were taught in window training.

Make certain you witness the verification of monies you turn in and obtain a signed receipt.

Scan ten if you can! It is faster than hitting all those function keys and it protects your job by giving clerks proper transaction time credit.

Utilize the appropriate terminal key when leaving retail/window operations to perform other functions (2nd notices, distribution, etc.). Be sure to punch into the proper operation number and go into stand-by mode on the POS-ONE to get proper time credit.

Never accept stock while on window—take time to count!

If you have Individual Accountability, use PS Form 17 when accepting or giving stamp stock.

When retrieving a certified or registered item, you should go into stand-by mode prior to leaving the window and lock your drawer.

The Union can best protect you from discipline and paying for shortages if you help protect yourself by following proper procedure.



The contract, in conjunction with postal manuals, requires the Postal Service to provide clerks with adequate security. Report any security problem in writing to management. You may use APWU’s Report of Security Problem or Poor Financial Practice Form to report the problem. If you choose not to use APWU’s form put it in writing somehow. Retain a copy as proof.


Common security problems to look for include: a yearly lock and key check not being done (this needs to be done to insure no ones’ keys can open another’s drawer or safe compartment); drawers not securing or locking on the counter line; retail equipment failures; duplicate key inventory envelope PS Form 3977 problems including the required 6-month check not being conducted; others having access to the envelope by it not being secured in a proper safe compartment, or tampering with the envelope; and password or code for retail equipment should only be known to the clerks themselves.


If you have questions on what constitutes a security or financial problem contact your APWU representative.


If a Robbery Occurs


• Don’t take any risks.

• Remain calm and try not to provoke the robber.

• No amount of money is worth your life.

• Contact the police when safe to do so.


Mystery Shopper

The postal service has a Mystery Shopper program throughout the country. This program is designed to improve customer service. The Mystery Shopper program should not be utilized as a tool for discipline. If you are issued any form of discipline under the Mystery Shopper program, contact an APWU steward immediately.


Lobby Sweeps

Are supervisors doing lobby sweeps in your office? If they are and your office has over 100 bargaining unit employees it is a violation of article 1.6A of the contract. Stations and branches are considered a part of the main facility so if there are over 100 total installation employees, 1.6A applies.


Lobby sweeps involving retrieving hold mail, certifies, registered, parcel port packages, etc. is distribution. Supervisors are prohibited from performing the core clerk function of distribution in 1.6A offices.


In offices of less than 100 bargaining unit employees article 1.6B applies. It contains language allowing, “when the duties are included in the supervisor’s portion description” for performance of bargaining unit work. Contact your union representative to see if you have a grievance in your size office.